On June 23rd, I’ll be taking a trip up to Eugene, Oregon to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of Betrayal at Krondor. For its time, Betrayal was a highly celebrated title, winning several Best Game of the Year awards in 1993 before being inducted into the Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame. It received near universal critical acclaim. It’s been cited by several current game designers as an influential title in their childhoods, and one of the co-founders of Bioware has said our strongly story-driven game was an inspiration behind the foundation of their company. The book adaptation of the game by New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feist (upon whose Midkemia universe the game was originally based) was an international best seller. That’s a pretty amazing legacy to have left behind to the world of computer gaming.
Unlike publicity events that accompanied the release of many other major game titles in the 1990s, there was never a major “launch event” for Betrayal at Krondor. By the time our team was done, we were all thoroughly exhausted. We got no big party, no signings at game stores. After a short vacation we all returned to work at Dynamix as if we hadn’t spent the past year and a half nearly working ourselves to death (and I very nearly did, having landed in the emergency room during production due to work-related exhaustion.)
What I want to do for our 30th is have the celebration we deserved but never received from the company. I’d like to spend the weekend with team members, friends, and longtime fans to remember what we accomplished in the place where it all happened. I still have a number of details to hammer out regarding where we’ll have our meetup, but I hope you’ll consider joining us for this very important occasion. If you think you’ll be able to come, even if it’s just a strong maybe, please drop me a line so I can include you, and any potential guests, in our headcount so we can plan accordingly. Until then, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to drop into one of numerous different Twitch streams where gamers continue to discover - or rediscover - the magic of Betrayal at Krondor.
#ClassicGames #VintageGames #1993 #RPG #Midkemia #Dynamix #SierraOnline #30thAnniversary #BAK #Krondor #Twitch
This sounds like an amazing celebration of a game that changed my life and defined my career. I'd like to say it's a strong maybe at the least that I'd love to take part in the celebration and anniversary. Count me in for at least two humans.
Amazing! Do you plan to have some online feed/event too?