Jan 25, 2023Liked by Neal Hallford

Amazing! Do you plan to have some online feed/event too?

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Something along those lines, yes. Not sure yet what form it will take, but we want to allow all of our friends and fans and BAK family to be able to celebrate the occasion with us. I know for certain that I'll be doing another streaming event with GOG, and likely I'll be arranging something with other folks who are streaming BAK on Twitch too.

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So looking forward to this, since I doubt I can justify travel for this event, no matter how enticing it is.

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I hope to come! I'll let you know soon! -Jenn

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Neal Hallford

This sounds like an amazing celebration of a game that changed my life and defined my career. I'd like to say it's a strong maybe at the least that I'd love to take part in the celebration and anniversary. Count me in for at least two humans.

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That's awesome! Hope to see you there!

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